
The Diary of Anne Frank


A play by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett

Newly adapted by Wendy Kesselman


Co-production by Butterfly Effect Theatre Co.| The Lab Space 實演唱 | Israel Economic and Culture Office in Taipei | 華山1914文化創意產業園區


Friday 4/13 8pm UMAY THEATER 華山烏梅劇院

Sat 4/14 8pm UMAY THEATER 華山烏梅劇院

Sun 4/15 2:30pm UMAY THEATER 華山烏梅劇院



Tickets general seating: 900NT

VIP seating 1500NT


TICKET LINK: www.tiny.cc/aftaiwan


group discounts available for schools, businesses, etc. write to bfly.efx@gmail.com for info




Tickets at CKS Mem Hall Ticket Offices (from JANUARY)



7-11 IBON, Eslite Books, CKS Memorial Hall




About The Show


安妮·弗蘭克(Anne Frank)是德籍猶太人。她留下来的日記使她名聞遐邇。15歲死於貝爾根─貝爾森集中營,她的日記成為二次大戰期間纳粹消滅猶太人的最佳見證,日記中展現了驚人的勇氣與毅力。


  安妮出生於德國的法蘭克福,是奥圖法蘭克(Otto Frank)一家的小女兒,家中還有母親艾迪斯(Edith Frank)姐姐瑪格特(Margot Frank)。由於當時纳粹德國排斥猶太人風氣日盛。父親奥圖便放棄於德國的事業而將家庭移至荷蘭阿姆斯特丹。一家過著較為平順的生活;但是1940年5月後,荷蘭為德國攻占之後,荷蘭的新統治者英夸特也將排猶法律于荷蘭執行,1941年夏天安妮姐妹也因此轉入猶太人學校就讀。這段期間安妮開始寫日記。






  她的事績後来被拍成電影--《The Diary of Anne Frank》(安妮日記)


In 1943, in order to avoid arrest and deportation by the occupying Nazis, the Jewish Frank family, Ann, her parents, Otto and Edith, and her older sister, Margo, went into hiding in a secret annex above Otto's office in Amsterdam. Anne had recently been given a diary for her thirteenth birthday. For the 25 months that the Franks lived in the annex with four other desperate Jews, the introspective and talented Anne kept her diary. Tragically, they were all discovered by the Nazis and deported to the Nazi death camps where all but Anne's father, Otto, perished during the waning days of the Third Reich. Returning to Amsterdam after the Nazis were defeated, Frank was given the diary which had been retrieved by a Dutch friend who had been instrumental in helping the Franks to hide.


In 1997, a new adaptation of the story by playwright Wendy Kesselmen featured a young Natalie Portman in her first starring role and was commended for its heightened realism and power. This adaptation incorporated newly available information on Anne, previously withheld from even the Diary publication and is the version which Butterfly Effect is presenting in early December.


Thirteen actors share the intimate stage space in this powerful and authentic portrait of a young girl clinging to hope in a time of tragedy.



Critical Reception


A stellar cast... a clear win..."

-- http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2017/12/09/2003683667


An extraordinary theatrical adventure! Go and remember

-- The New York Post


One of the Year's Ten Best

--Time Magazine





Director Brook Hall

--Brook Hall has directed/produced more than 30 shows. As a freelance talent in Taiwan, he is responsible for the Asian premiere of the musical Anything Goes (a first for Taiwan, with guest Broadway performers) at the Taiwan National Theatre in 2010 and again at Taiwan International Trade Center in 2011. He also produced and directed SMOKEY JOES CAFE in the Nan Hai Center in 2009 and HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH (Mandarin Language world premiere) at Hua Shan Cultural Center in 2013. Other shows with Butterfly Effect in Taiwan include TITLE OF SHOW, TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE, WAIT UNTIL DARK, SYLVIA, SANTALAND DIARIES, THE BOMBITTY OF ERRORS, as well as hundreds of other films, dances, events, workshops, and productions.




Costume Designer #1 Jenna Robinette

Jenna has been working with director Brook Hall for many productions following the success of the musical Hedwig and The Angry Inch in 2013. An active freelance designer since 2007, Jenna has dressed fire dancers, musicians, brides, drag queens, and extraordinary real life characters in custom garments under her label Rice Society. Currently, you can find her working as the stylist for the sisters of MeiMeiWaWa Multimedia.


Costume Designer #2 Rebecca Miller

A native of Chicago, Rebecca has enjoyed living in Taiwan since 2011. She has done theatrical costuming for "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," David Ives's "All in the Timing," Bertolt Brecht's "A Man's a Man," and a collection of plays by Samuel Beckett. Rebecca also worked as the costume designer, wardrobe mistress, and props mistress for the 2012 film "Mordy to the Max."


Sound Designer Anton Botes --Has been the resident composer and sound designer at Butterfly Effect theatre company since 2015, where he has composed and designed for Tuesdays With Morrie, and his original score for Wait Until Dark was met with critical acclaim. Anton is active making music for movies, video games, websites, and other media productions. He has his own studio near Hsinchu.


Lighting Designer Zheng-Da Xie --Is a professional lighting designer and operator in Taiwan and abroad, working with over 30 local theatre and event companies. He is the founder of Blue Wind International Co. Ltd., a professional technical stage services company.





Anne Frank- Camryn Rowe

Otto Frank- D.C. Rapier

Edith Frank- Sarah Brooks

Margot Frank- Sandra Li

Mrs. Van Daan- Deni Carson

Mr. Van Daan- Barry Hall

Peter Van Daan- Daniel Chang

Mr. Dussel- David Zen

Mr Kraler- Jason Little

Miep Gies- Viola Wang

Soldier- Lukas Jacke

Soldier- Pat Woods

Swings: John Brownlie/ Dora Lo





Since 2013, Butterfly Effect Theatre Co. has been the hub of English language theatre in Taipei. It brings together people from Taiwan and all over the world to produce exciting, relevant theatre, serving as both a platform for local talent and as a showcase for the best of international theatre. Butterfly Effect Theatre Co.is a non-profit company sanctioned by the Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government.


有關【蝴蝶效應劇團】劇團自2013年起作為台北英文劇場的埠口,讓台灣與世界的人才聚在一起製作有趣的演出,提供給當地才一個自我展現的舞台,同時也展示世界最頂尖的戲劇作品。 【蝴蝶效應劇團】是由台北市文化局認證的非營利組織。




