Saturday Feb 10, there will be 3 LIVE bands performing in River bar.

We are gonna rock the roof off!

禮拜六 !!兩組樂團將會在現場為大家帶來超棒的音樂就讓我們一起搖滾 一 整 晚 !

!*** UPDATE: Live DJ also performing ***✹

DJ WILDCAT Tex台灣少見的七吋黑膠

DJNT300 Cover Charge gets a one free drink (Beer/Mixer/Cider) and an awesome night of music.

Students only NT200 (with ID )入場費 300元 -----入場後可向吧檯領取一杯免費酒水 (啤酒, 1+1 mixer或是蘋果酒)以及 ~ 無法忘懷的樂團之夜 ~學生專屬優惠 入場費 200元 (別忘記攜帶學生證, 以示證明)


NuKe” is rock band in fukui city, japan.Organized in 2011.We come into action centering on a club with live music in Fukui "velvet".*2014 / Aiba of a guitar (aka Shit Monkey) changed part with a member and join.*2015 /We participated in a release of a demonstration album "demo" and Fukui's compilation album "MARUKUCHI-KEI”.*2016 / A mini album "voice memo" "unboroEP" was released.We decided on "RINGO FES 2016”(*2017 / A mini album “福井の女神(The goddess of Fukui)” was released.*We went on a New York tour, Bar Matchless and Pianos NYC.Facebook...


CROCODELIA is a FUZZ psychedelic band that seeks for sounds that have never been heard before at the same time deep attached to cultural roots of different parts of the world.Based in Taiwan (ASIA) which consists of two Taiwanese brothers and a Tokyo drummer.

CROCODELIA members dwell in the 50s and 60s, worship the mighty sun and are prepared to spread new sounds.released first ever EP album "Out of The Swamp" in July 2017.

鱷魚迷幻是一支成立西元前3100年的樂隊 音樂塑造取向吸收不同文化聲音結合成未被發掘的音樂一對台灣兄弟以及來自日本東京的鼓手, 我們喜歡五零年代, 六零年代迷幻樂, 衝浪樂, 摩德文化......2017年釋出第一張EP "Out Of The Swamp"facebook:


The WAIIT is a neo psychedelic/ grunge band that consists of two vocalist at the same time bassist and guitarist. Their music sounds like living a independent movie with cute shoots but twist plots.等等樂團 "悠晃在都市水泥牆中,我仍能看見那夢幻之島"青草中帶點油漬味的新迷幻搖滾勁旅 - The WAiiT將用多變的吉他音色與交織奔馳的貝斯聲線搭配著豐富的鼓點帶你踏上難忘的迷幻旅程不知道下一步怎麼走,那就停下來等等吧!facebook:


台灣少見的七吋黑膠DJDJ. Wildcat Tex 跟大部分 DJ 一樣, 隨身攜帶著自己獨特收藏的音樂, 不過, 他的行頭可要比起一般把音樂收藏在 USB 輕鬆上路的數位 DJ.重量級的多,因為, DJ. Wildcat Tex 的音樂收藏, 可是一箱箱的七吋單曲黑膠唱片....這該算是"重型武器" 啦... DJ. Wildcat Tex 以rockabilly, garage, surf rock , R&B, Tex-Mex, soul and blues 加上 Wildcat Tex 匠心獨運的以 B-movie 片段製成高劑量的混和搖滾髒彈盡情地掃射派對舞池...

Who is DJ Wildcat Tex?Some say Wildcat Tex is the love child of Elvis Presley and a voodoo queen, but the truth is probably stranger. All we know is that he blew in on the South Plains wind with a battered suitcase full of savage trash 45 records that shake you like a B-movie monster one 7-inch platter of wax at a time.

To hear him spin his vintage collection of rockabilly, garage, surf, R&B, Tex-Mex, soul and blues is a sonic road trip through the Southern USA tracing his own travels from West Texas to New Orleans, Louisiana, to his current home base in Taipei.

Join him on the journey to this land of once-forbidden music. That is, if you’re not afraid to unleash the savage within you.