「品酒搭現場爵士音樂的一晚! 」

" An event of Wine & Social Music "


? What is Kind of Red? 什麼是紅酒爵士夜?


每個月的最後一個星期五, Red Room 與PPF House共同邀請創意主廚,調酒師,一對說故事的人,以及一組新生代爵士樂團。為您提供美好難忘的3個小時藝文時光。表演曲風多樣,有標準爵士曲、搖擺音樂與融合放克等你來欣賞。

On the last Friday of each month, Red Room & PPF House collaborate with a sommelier, and a Taiwanese Jazz ensemble. Within a 3 hour spectrum, we savour different flavours, and spend the night actively listening to jazz.


? 活動安排 Schedule

》7pm-8pm 品嘗西班牙下酒菜(Tapas)和葡萄酒美食搭配(wine pairing)

》8pm-10pm 舒適座位搭配爵士樂團 "Kind of Red" 現場音樂



Kind of Red begins with an hour of tapas and wine pairing, introduced and explored by both our chef Tamara Wadi and sommelier Wayne Pu 步文鈞.


A cozy seating arrangement cafe style to enjoy the Kind of Red ensemble ; emulating and enhancing jazz standards, funk fusion, and swing music.


? Patronage Fee 購票資訊

?票種A | $600 | 預約制

時間 : 7pm ~ 10pm 



*預約請寄信至 <>


? 票種B | $400

Time 時間:8pm ~ 10pm 晚間八點到十點



?Ticket A | $600NTD

Time: 7pm-10pm

*Includes the hour(7pm-8pm) of tapas and wine pairing

* 20 persons maximum

*Please RSVP with <>


?Ticket B | $400NTD

*Inclusive of 1 glass of wine




由衷的感謝您們支持Kind of Red 活動,很希望你們會來參加九月號,也就是第十二場!

為了向麥爾戴維斯取的藍調合輯致敬 'Kind of Blue' ,紅房'Kind of Red' 提供酒、美味的食物、爵士樂魅力的陪伴。介紹酒的文化和深入傾聽爵士樂,而每年會提供舞台給精力飽滿的台灣年輕一代爵士樂團。

We are so very grateful for the support we received launching our first 10 sessions of Kind of Red.

As a tribute to Miles Davis' Kind of Blue, Red Room brings you an evening of wine, good finger foods, social music and charming company. Introducing wine in culture and deep listening to Jazz, whilst providing a venue for the up & coming jazz ensembles Taiwan’s young musicians are molding and shaping each year.



? BAND: Kind of Red Collective - 樂團介紹

Kind of Red Collective是由一群新生代的爵士樂好手匯聚而成,除了接受傳統爵士樂的洗鍊之外,成員們並大量吸收不同音樂養分,如放克、嘻哈、靈魂樂等,融合豐富的音樂元素,成為台灣少見風格獨樹一幟的音樂計畫。

目前固定於每月最後一個星期五晚上在紅坊國際藝術村(Red Room Taipei)現場演出,帶來聽覺上最新鮮刺激的音樂場景。

Several Taiwanese new generation jazz musicians groove in with a different mash up every month to bring a fresh take on the different forms of jazz.



》聯絡資訊Contact Information: <reeves@redroomtaipei.com>

》Wine Company: SZITY WINE CELLAR 葡萄酒專賣

》介紹者 Introductions made by Wayne Pu 步文鈞


? About Red Room 關於紅坊


The Red Room is an ever-expanding community, exploring and extending the boundaries between audience and performer; a not-for-profit platform for events developing a culture of learning to listen to each other, what is around us, and our selves.


Red Room is a non-profit organisation. The entirety of the entrance fee is to cover the expenses necessary to host such an event.

