CHESS Taipei

Halloween Nightmare: FunHouse


真實的惡夢是無形的,它會在半夜喚醒你。以你隱藏最深處的恐懼來挑戰你的理智,跟我們一起踏出安全地帶。今年CHESS TAIPEI的萬聖節有我們陪你,恐懼的夜晚不該一個人度過。


True nightmares have no shape. They wake you up in the middle of the night and challenge your sanity with your deepest, hidden fears. So step out of your comfort zone… something is lurking in the darkness at Chess this Halloween night. Come, face your fears… You don’t want to be alone on this night…?



營業時間:10:30pm ~ 04:30am

地址:信義區松仁路88號B1 (Neo 19)

Table Reservations: 0905 788 321

Time: Doors open at 10:30 PM

Address: No. 88 Songren Road, B1 (Neo 19)