台灣年度調酒盛宴即將熱力回歸,馬可波羅酒廊此次邀請到三位國際知名調酒大師,包含酩帝詩亞洲區品牌大使John Ng、甫獲百加得傳世全球雞尾酒大賽中國區冠軍的Choni Song與君度橙酒之家雞尾酒大賽冠軍的Jake Page跨國客座,獻上頂尖水準的雞尾酒,引爆調酒風潮! 詳情請洽:(02)7711-2080。

Taiwan's biggest Bartender's Week event will soon be back! This year, Marco Polo Lounge has invited three renowned mixologists including Michter’s Asia Brand Ambassador, John Ng, Bacardi Global Legacy Cocktail Competition (China edition) Champion, Choni Song and La Maison Cointreau Cocktail Competition Champion, Jake Page as guest bartender to present exclusive cocktails beyond your imagination! For more details, please call (02)7711-2080.



來自香港的伍浩然擁有近10年的調酒資歷,是亞洲調酒界備受尊敬和矚目的調酒師之一。自2012年起,入圍並獲得超過10個國際級調酒比賽,並同時連續三年蟬聯香港前25位頂尖調酒師的稱號。人稱「Honey Man」的伍浩然有著親切溫暖的笑容,而他對經典威士忌的知識與專業素養,更使他深得美國第一家威士忌蒸餾廠酩帝詩的青睞,自2016年5月起成為其亞洲區品牌大使。此次,他將帶您一嚐酩帝詩威士忌雞尾酒的完美風味。

11/15 Michter’s Asia Brand Ambassador – John Ng

John Ng from Hong Kong has been in the bartending industry for almost 10 years, and has received various international awards during his career since 2012. Moreover, he is ranked as one of the top 25 bartenders in Hong Kong for three years in a row. He is known as “Honey Man” due to his warm hospitality. What’s more, Michter’s American Whiskeys highly praised his knowledge and professional experience in classic whiskey, appointing him as Asia brand ambassador to elevate the brand to higher levels.