KOR Social Special - 珍稀琴酒之夜 ft.「RAW」

食物夥伴 RAW

琴酒特調 KOR Taipei


年末的最後一場KOR Social,我們將為您呈現歷經半年全心投入後打造的最大驚喜:我們將與全台灣最優秀的廚師團隊「RAW」共同舉辦這場 KOR Social Special!作為我們的食物夥伴,RAW 將針對五款特別且稀有的琴酒調酒精緻出最適合的配酒小點。同時,主廚江振誠Chef Andre也加入今晚的活動,與大家一起在KOR同樂!


KOR的行政調酒師 Ran Duan、首席調酒師 楊子逸 (Zi-Yi Yang)、 Adrien Vgrx,以特殊的調酒手法如 Clarification (純化) 以及 Infusion (浸製) 等技巧特製了5款琴酒調酒,使用了包含來自英國的「STAR OF BOMBAY」、美國的「KOVEL DRY GIN」、日本的「ROKU」、巴賽隆納的「GINRAW」,

RAW 的主廚 Alain 將根據這5款調酒設計出最適合的搭配餐點,您將體驗到最精緻且具有創意的一個晚上。




• KOR Tonic Gin - STAR OF BOMBAY / Bombay Sapphire UK

• Broken English - KOVEL DRY GIN / KOVAL Distillery US

• Gin Consomme - ROKU GIN / Suntory ROKU GIN JP

• Twentieth Century - GINRAW Barcelona

• Guava Crisp - Bonus Dessert Cocktail


預約制 - $3000/每位賓客

服裝規定 - 正式


2017年12月20日 (星期三)

20:00 - 22:00


RSVP Online: http://m.me/KOR.Taipei

KOR Taipei: 0966-331-033





KOR Social Special - GIN ft.「STAR OF BOMBAY」

Food bites by RAW

Gin cocktails by KOR Taipei


For December’s KOR Social, our host Elroy Tay invites you to indulge in some of the best Gins from around the world paired with food bites by RAW. Chef Andre Chiang will also be our special guest of this KOR Social.


On the menu are 5 Gin cocktails specially crafted by KOR's bartenders Ran Duan, Zi-Yi, and Adrien, using techniques such as clarification and infusion. RAW’s head chef Alain, then used these 5 cocktails as inspiration to create excellently paired food bites. This promises to be an unprecedented gastronomic experience you don't want to miss.


Featuring Gins & Cocktails:


• KOR Tonic Gin - STAR OF BOMBAY / Bombay Sapphire UK

• Broken English - KOVEL DRY GIN / KOVAL Distillery US

• Gin Consomme - ROKU GIN / Suntory ROKU GIN JP

• Twentieth Century - GINRAW Barcelona

• Guava Crisp - Bonus Dessert Cocktail


Limited Seating - $3000 /guest

Dress Code - Smart Casual


December 20th, 2017 (WED)

Time: 20:00 - 22:00


RSVP Online: http://m.me/KOR.Taipei

KOR Taipei: 0966-331-033


Attention: RSVP does not guarantee booking. The booking is only valid after you receive a confirmation email.