12 月 22 日 週五 OMNI 與 BOOM Events 將一起合作創造出無與倫比的派對體驗!🚀


🎅🏻隨著聖誕佳節即將到來,OMNI 希望帶給大家一場優質又充滿娛樂的佳節活動 🎉


🍷想像一個充滿了歡笑與鈴噹聲,以及滿滿聖誕裝飾所帶給你的 X'mas 畫面!🎄

👯現場還有溜冰女孩們會發送貼心小禮物 🎁

💖這絕對是滿足你夢想中所期待的聖誕氛圍 🎊


🎟 凡 11:30 PM前,服裝穿著符合主題之女生免費、男生半價

🎡 入場優惠是否符合主題裝扮規定標準由 OMNI 現場工作人員判定

🎩 男士們需著裝白襯衫與領結,並邀請一位女仕共襄盛舉。

🎀 女仕們需著裝銀色或白色或紅色的主題色裝扮


🏵如果您有任何其他的疑問,請聯繫您最愛的公關們,或傳訊至 OMNI 與 BOOM Events 粉專或在活動頁面留言


🍾包廂專線: +886 983 803 388




❄️Imagine a winter dreamland....❄️


🎅🏻 It is the season to be jolly indeed. On December 22nd, OMNI will create an unmatchable experience.

❄️We will have Silver / White / Red of dress code with BOOM Events to celebrate Christmas and ensure all kinds of fun.💃🏻

🎄Picture a room filled with Jingle bell’s sounds, smiles, and of course, decorations that bring you the Christmas spirit!*

👯 Santa's princesses will be giving out gifts to sweeten your Christmas Eve 🎁 

💖This is truly a WINTER DREAMLAND. 💖


🎟 Gentlemen 50% OFF / Ladies FREE (Before 11:30pm with dress-code)

🎡 Dress-code that need to be considered eligible for the discount, determined by OMNI staff 

🎩 Gentlemen wear white shirt & Bow tie and invite 1 lady to join us

🎀 Ladies wear Silver / White / Red dresses


For any additional information please message OMNI & BOOM Events. 🚀


RSVP: +886 983 803 388