【跟著COMMUNE A7一起倒數! 最佳101煙火跨年觀賞景點】


抬頭望台北101, 低頭看左右美食, 眼前有親朋好友, 最完美的跨年組合已誕生!

更不用擔心人擠人看不到美麗煙火, COMMUNE A7的大草坪讓大家帶著新希望與好心情一起吃喝玩樂,迎接2018!



◎ 早鳥票: $800 (12/14開搶,售完為止。)

◎一般入場票: $1,000

** 票價含COMMUNE A7場內消費抵用$650


*啟售時間: 2017/12/14 (四) 00:00

*購票請上 KKTIX售票頁面、全家便利商店Famiport售票系統或COMMUNE A7現場。


【No better place to send away 2017 with dazzling 101 fireworks】


Out with the clubs and in with COMMUNE A7! Your best outdoor party destination with amazing food and a stunning view - the best package deal to end 2017 on an unforgettable note! Get your tickets today!


Ticket Details:

◎Early Bird: $800 (Limited Quantity)

◎General Admission: $1,000

**Ticket price includes F&B voucher available for use at all vendors in COMMUNE A7.

**General Admission tickets will be on sale after Early Bird tickets sell out


Ticket On-Sale Date:2017/12/14 (Thurs) 00:00

**Please purchase your tickets on KKTIX, Family Mart's FAMIPORT or at COMMUNE A7.


當天進場時間 / Doors Open at: 19:00 on 12/31 (SUN).