2018 遊牧影展怪奇音樂祭4/14 - 4/15在台北虎山!
The Urban Nomad Opening Freakout @ Tiger Mountain


超過30組國內外樂團 和 DJ音樂陣容 ★ 美好自然環境 ★ 美食和啤酒 ★ 藝術裝置 ★ 可以搭捷運去 ★ 待宣布神秘驚喜!


日期 | DATE: 4/14-15 (六, 日 | Sat-Sun)
時間 | TIME: 2pm ~ midnight
地點 | PLACE: 微遠虎山 台北市信義區福德街221巷186-1號
Tiger Mountain, No 186-1, Lane 221, Fude St, Xinyi District, Taipei
捷運 | MRT:
-後山埤站 Houshanpi Stn. or 象山站 Xiangshan Station, then taxi (5min) or walk (25min)
官網 | website: http://www.urbannomad.tw/2018-music-festival


--- English info below ---


自2008開始第一屆遊牧派對至今,陸續邀請來自紐約的前衛實驗女子團體I.U.D.,東京前衛電子團體Trippple Nippples,電子搖滾樂團Mop of Head,性感又暴力的電氣女團Kinoco Hotel、造型奇趣作風大膽的Autopsy for a Drowned Shrimp,場場叫好又叫座。因此,自附屬於影展的派對,到一場獨立的音樂盛事,怪奇音樂祭在大家期待中成形了!我們總是祭出最驚人優惠,除了在台北就可以親眼目睹來自富士音樂祭登台樂團的表演魅力,還可享音樂祭暖場派對及4/14會後派對折扣。4月中旬,歡迎你來到這場無極限派對,跟我們一起腦內躁動。

For 2018, the Urban Nomad Opening Freakout will be held on April 14 and 15 (Sat & Sun) at Taipei’s best outdoor music venue, Tiger Mountain, a green mountain valley only a 10-minute taxi ride from Taipei 101. There will also be a warm-up party before the festival, a late-night afterparty on April 14, and more fun events. Stay tuned for details!

The lineup will consist of more than 30 bands and DJs playing on two main stages, plus amazing food, craft beer, a pop-up vinyl DJ stage, art installations and booths, circus performers and new surprises!

Major musical themes for 2018 will include 1) garage rock & neo-psychedelia, 2) funk, reggae and world music, and 3) DJs and live electronic acts playing an underground dance party inside an old Taoist Temple.

This party began in 2008 as an opening party for the Urban Nomad Film Fest, kicking off a decade of musical events inviting the best, weirdest and most outrageous underground and indie musical acts to Taiwan. Highlights include I.U.D. (feat Liz Bougatsos of Gang Gang Dance) for the Video Mindfuck Party (2011), Trippple Nippples (2012), Mop of Head (2013, 2016), Autopsy for a Drowned Shrimp (2015), Kinoco Hotel (2017), and many more. Since 2015, Urban Nomad's opening party has grown to become its own event, an outdoor music festival that kicks off the Urban Nomad spring season -- the Urban Nomad Opening Freakout!

★★★★ 預售票 | TICKETS ★★★★

2日券 | 2-DAY
雙日早鳥│2-Day Early Bird NT$950 ~ On sale: 2/27 中午12:00pm
雙日超值│2-Day Early Advance NT$1,150 (販售期間:2/27-3/31)
雙日預售│2-Day Advance NT$1,300 (販售期間:4/1-13)
兩天現場│2-day Door NT$1500

單日超值│1-Day Early Advance NT$775 (販售期間:3/7 -3/31)
單日預售│1-Day Advance NT$850 (販售期間:4/1-13)
單日現場│1-day Door NT$1000

購票連結Buy Online:https://goo.gl/PcXM9n

★★★★ 相關活動 | RELATED PARTIES ★★★★

4/12(四) 19:00-24:00 @PIPE Live Music*票價請洽活動頁。
東京車庫狂熱台灣首映+樂團演出 Urban Nomad Garage Rockin Craze Taiwan Premiere+ 製片人 B.B. Clarke Q&A + 現場演出 The Stressful Sound + The Minnesota Voodoo Men + B.B. Clarke DJ Set

4/14(六) 會後派對(待確認)Official Afterparty TBA

★★★★ 陣容 | LINEUP ★★★★
Minnesota Voodoo Men (JP)
BB Clarke (vinyl) (JP / US)
Walkings (JP)
DJ Fumie(JP)
DJ Txako(JP)
Hang in the Air 盪在空中
Outlet Drift 漂流出口
Crocodelia 鱷魚迷幻
Destroyers 擊沈女孩
SexyBaby Mimi 性感寶貝 咪咪
No-Nonsense Collective 無妄合作社
The Waiit等等樂隊
Sonia Calico
Ape Apocalypse 末日之猩
Byron Duvel

Angelo Moore & the Brand New Step (US)
Laurent Coulondre(FR)
Omni Sight(JP)
Marcus Aurelius
The Uppitys
Yo Hey Li (vinyl)

full Lineup:

Laurent Coulondre(FR)
來自法國的Laurent Coulondre可說是當代最受矚目的爵士樂手之一了!1989年出生,4歲打鼓,9歲加入爵士樂團,為專輯獲葛萊美獎最佳現代爵士專輯殊榮,當代Fusion Jazz典範的Marcus Miller暖場,自幼即展現過人音樂天賦。2010自音樂學校科班畢業,事業快速起飛,發行個人專輯,與美國爵士吉他大師Paul Jackson合作,並建立個人毫不掩飾的狂放音樂風格,打開在爵士樂圈知名度。

Laurent Coulondre的音樂,令人猶如走進錯覺藝術大師M. C. Escher的迷宮中,躍動交錯的節拍,奇趣變化的表現,有人說他像是爵士樂先鋒Chick Corea,紐約融合爵士樂樂團Snarky Puppy及靈魂樂奇才D'Angelo的綜合體,沒有人可以定義他的音樂。

2015發行第三張專輯《Schyzophrenia》,與團員至世界各大爵士音樂祭巡迴,包括法國 Sting at Jazz in Vienne,日本 Tokyo Jazz 音樂節,英國London Jazz 音樂節等;2016成為有法國葛萊美之稱的Victoires du Jazz大黑馬;2017推出全新專輯《Victoires du Jazz》受到音樂雜誌CHOC JazzMag、Indispensable Jazz News一致推崇,並獲Le Monde世界報好評。

FunkyBrothers 放客兄弟
Funky Brothers(放客兄弟)-你可以控制住你的身體,但控制不住你的心!跟著放客兄弟解放你的身心,跟著節奏一起擺動身軀。

2007年成立,將 70~80年代具有FUNKY精神的音樂類型融入其創作風格當中,從Funk/Disco/Blues到Acid-jazz/R&B/Reggae/Swing放客兄弟的音樂創作永遠充滿著groove(律動)。歷經團員更動後,2015以新的組合再次出發,帶來最新的創作與嶄新的活力,放客兄弟將用熱情令人想舞動的音符和節奏,帶領你一起進入搖擺的世界。
video : https://goo.gl/JYnAmY

omni sight(JP)
去年來到遊牧影展演出的Omni Sight今年再度回歸!由電氣樂團L.E.D.領軍人物Motohiko Sato,與曾任電子搖滾組合BOOM BOOM SATELLITES、澀谷系資深樂團Original Love鼓手Naoki Hirai組成。

video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckwpDjR5HNI

日本DJ圈傳奇樂團Caribbean Dandy的一員,姿意把玩雷鬼、搖滾、佛朗明哥、美洲傳統民俗音樂Cumbia、salsa、ska曲風。合作對象皆是大咖,與有「當代Bob Marley」之稱的Manu Chao,精通Reggae、Ska的牙買加音樂人Rico Rodriguez,被The Clash樂團Joe Strummer所發掘的「Very Be Careful」加洲樂隊一同工作或巡迴演出。在日本富士音樂祭的場子上,更是連續十年見到她的身影,甚至名列義大利Ariano Folk Festival與位於西班牙的Rototom Sunsplash音樂祭A咖樂團陣容,DJ Txako表演現場如部落儀式般飽滿、魔幻的音樂能量,讓你體奔野性的拉丁風情。
Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_MGFRKrdRk

The WAiiT 等等樂團
悠晃在都市水泥牆中,仍能看見那夢幻之島,青草中帶點油漬味的新迷幻搖滾勁旅 。
video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-8FMZH9SRw

video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIZL98VBCLk

Angelo Moore and the Brand New Step (US)
魚骨頭樂團Fishbone靈魂人物,Angelo Moore以爆發性的舞台魅力,驚人的嗓音天賦及精通薩克斯風多樣樂器聞名。然而,你可能不知道的是,在魚骨頭樂團之外,他投身另一項音樂計劃,邀集來自舊金山海灣與奧克蘭區的佼佼者-創造結合neo-soul, hip hop, jazz與電子舞曲的全新風貌,成立於2013年的樂隊The Brand New Step。

The Brand New Step與一大票A咖音樂人合作,列出來的名單個個大有來頭:以反叛精神聞名的嘻哈樂團The Coup首腦Boots Riley,另類搖滾史上最別出心裁的樂團之一Ween,新金屬風潮帶動者之一Faith No More,全英音樂獎最佳樂團Kasabian等人。這次來到遊牧影展的巡演成員則有The Coup貝斯手JJ Jungle與鼓手Hassan Hurd(JJ Jungle還是個breaking高手,興致一來會單手就地空翻),新靈魂唱腔女神 Bridney Reese,曾替葛萊美天后Macy Gray作曲的Jim Greer等黃金陣容。獨特的折衷主義,極度活躍的律動,高度求新求變的自覺,Angelo Moore&The Brand New Step對音樂版圖的擴張從不手軟,帶你一頭栽進從未耳聞,融合Soul、Dance、Funk、Ska與live electronic beats的混種跨界曲風中。

Angelo Moore is the legendary frontman of ska-punk band Fishbone and known for his explosive on-stage presence, amazing vocal talents, and mad musical skills on saxophone, horns and many other instruments. Though Angelo still performs with Fishbone, he has now created a new project, The Brand New Step, in collaboration with an all-star cast from the San Francisco Bay and Oakland, and together they’re creating to push the musical style into a totally freaking awesome fusion of neo-soul, hip hop, jazz and electronic dance music. The Brand New Step launched in 2013, and has so far involved collaborations with all-stars from the worlds of both indie rock and indie hip hop: rappers Casual and Boots Riley (The Coup), as well as musicians from Ween, Faith No More, Galactic, Kasabian and other bands. The current touring line-up includes bass player JJ Jungle and drummer Hassan Hurd, both from the political rap group The Coup, up-and-coming neo-soul diva Bridney Reese, keyboard player and producer Jim Greer (a songwriter for Macy Gray and member of Rondo Brothers, Handsome Boy Modeling School and other bands) and guitarist and producer Kris Jensen (from the band Hey! Brontosaurus). Together, as the Brand New Step, they seek to push boundaries and cross genres such as Soul, Dance, Funk, Ska and live electronic beats to fuse together a project that is influenced by the musical maturity of many of the best genres without sounding like anything that has come before it. The new sound combines Angelo's dynamic vocals, horns, theremin, beatboxing, effects and seamless electronic beats for a nonstop feel-good party.

Info: http://www.brandnewstep.com/
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQT3M5kl4Ew
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyLFPBumSo4
Listen: https://soundcloud.com/angelomoorebrandnewstep

The Minnesota Voodoo Men (JP)

如同許多剛開始默默無名的樂團,表演的第一年連錄唱片的預算都捉襟見肘,然而Minnesota Voodoo Men的才華很快被廠牌Deckrec record發掘,隔年替他們發行首張專輯《I Keep Shaking My Head》與EP《Too Much Texas Driver 》,正當Minnesota Voodoo Men在獨立音樂圈竄紅之際,原吉他手Bamboo離團。不過,別擔心,另一位鬼才鼓手Pete加入,奠定樂團更狂野囂張的音樂風格,喜歡他們的樂迷也越來越多了!2006年,東京車庫地下教父Daddy-O-Nov慧眼獨具,力邀Minnesota Voodoo Men加入旗下廠牌Radio Underground。成立二十年來,至今累積4張專輯與無數EP,世界各地巡演是家常便飯。這是他們第一次站上台灣舞台,將為遊牧影展第一個十年帶來粗礫生猛的現場暴動。

The Minnesota Voodoo Men are a wild three-piece Tokyo garage band wearing shiny suits, dark sunglasses and greaser hair. They're known for hair-raising performances of wild 60s beat music. Over the last two decades, they've toured the globe and released 4 albums and several EPs, performing the most savage rock 'n roll ever made and leaving burned out audiences in their wake. They formed in 1998 near Fussa, a West-Tokyo suburb that is Japan's capital of the garage-rock group sound. Now they return to Taiwan for the first time in a decade and are ready to blow the Urban Nomad stage wide open!

Info: https://theminnesotavoodoomen.jimdo.com/
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swbY4LS1yfk
Listen: https://soundcloud.com/user-816441870

Walkings (JP)
受到吉他之神Jimi Hendrix 啟發,2012年成軍於東京的三人硬派生猛搖滾團Walkings初期以藍調搖滾為主,後來逐漸發展出生猛直爽風格,毫不扭捏的帶勁舞曲,或許有人會說他們是Black Keys與Death From Above 1979的混合體。他們曾經無畏體制在東京大馬路上以音樂「掃街」,以革命份子般的游擊隊戰術神出鬼沒在澀谷與新宿一帶,直到被警察驅趕才終結行動。 


The Tokyo trio Walkings play viciously hard funk rock. The group formed in Tokyo in 2012 as a blues rock band inspired by the Jimi Hendrix acid guitar sound, then developed this into a powerful raw sound, something like a cross between the Black Keys and Death From Above 1979. Early on they staged more than 200 guerilla street performances on the streets of Tokyo, especially in the Shibuya and Shinjuku neighborhoods, until they were finally busted by the police and forced to stop. They've also blasted their way into major showcases like Fuji Rock Rookie-a-Go-Go Stage (2015), SXSW (2017) and made a blitzkrieg tour the US, playing 15 shows in 16 days. They released their debut album "Ana" (Hole) on P-Vine Records in 2016. Members are Fu Takada (Vocals and guitar), Hayato Yoshida (bass) and Takashi Takanashi (drums).

Info: http://walkings.wixsite.com/walkings
FB: https://web.facebook.com/walkingsband/
Video: https://youtu.be/Wprcntpf8lU
Listen: https://soundcloud.com/fu-takada

PeopleJam (BAND) (JP):

重拍電子節奏,能量強勁的貝斯線,酷帥的扭曲層次,派對男孩女孩們,請千萬別錯過PeopleJam的現場表演 ! 成軍於2005年,來自日本地下樂圈的PeopleJam與硬派電氣搖滾團體蹦蹦衛星Boom Boom Satellites、嗨爆富士音樂祭午夜場的Mop of Head與其他電子搖滾團體同為東京派對音樂版圖的重要一員。

以吉他、貝斯、鼓及合成器製造Techno, Disco, Funk與碎拍,詭譎、奇趣主唱聲線融合未來式復古風情,2011與2012接連二度來台參加春天吶喊演出,泰國Big Mountain Music Festival與韓國Stepping Stone Festival音樂祭也可見他們的足跡。

PeopleJam have been rocking the Japanese underground since 2005, bringing high energy, electronic beats played with the power of a live bands, pumping out a party sound in the same league with Boom Boom Satellites, Mop of Head and other Tokyo electro-rockers. The band mixes Techno, Disco, Funk and massive doses of Breakbeats and raw energy, played by traditional rock instruments guitar, bass, drums and synthesizers. To date, they've played throughout Asia at festivals including Spring Scream (2011, 2012) and Big Mountain Festival (Thailand); they've produced two albums, “DirtyGroove" and "Idiotwerk"; and supported European artists such as Radical Animal Beats and Fast Forward during their Japan tours. So kick up the volume, stand back and get ready for the full frontal assault known as ... PEOPLEJAM!!

盪在空中 Hang in the Air

Taiwan's original ska party band, with the handsomest band leader around! A producer of infectious happy-feet music and a growing legend!

漂流出口 Outlet Drift
This group of three Taidong aborigines weaves strains of traditional indigenous tunes into psychedelic garage rock. They're also known for wild stage antics and generally rocking your socks off! “Jump so high, touch too deep. Giving life the greatest praise.”

無妄合作社 No-nonsense Collective

Destroyers 擊沈女孩:
Destroyers is a punk rock band from Taipei, Taiwan. They consist of four members; Jon (lead singer, guitar), Dawei (guitar), Lee (drums), and Sasha (bass). Although the band only started at the beginning of 2012, they have already released 3 EP’s, 1 full-length, and have toured throughout Taiwan, participating in many of the island’s biggest rock music festivals. They are known for their incredibly catchy pop-punk-esque songs and high energy performances. Their songs have been described as being very heavily influenced by western punk rock. Their dream is to continue releasing music and sharing it with people from all over the world!

性感寶貝 咪咪
喜 雚欠 口乎 口及、口乞 米唐 果、親 辶斤 人 类頁 以及 小 重力 牛勿 !(≧∇≦)
陰 樂 类頁 型:口米 口米電 ㄗ 樂

Ape Apocalypse 末日之猩



The Apes came from a parallel universe where simians rule and humans run wild in the jungle. While on a deep-space mission, their ship fell through a crack in the fabric of reality, leaving them stranded on earth. Despite their sincerest efforts, they have been unable to understand the creature ‘Man’. The beliefs and conduct of Man are, in equal measure, both strange and ominous.
The original Space Apes divided into factions and scattered across the planet. Some hoped to live in peace with Humans. Others, however, choose to unite with indigenous simians who had been oppressed for generations. A new, more radical brigade was thus formed, known only as APE APOCALYPSE...

DJ Yo Hey Li
尤黑力今年再度受邀至遊牧影展怪奇音樂祭打碟 ! 收藏滿坑滿谷的非洲與Afro-Caribbean音樂,這次同樣坐陣黑膠舞台,將帶來一系列充滿熱帶風情的演出。
Yo Hey Li is a London based DJ and record collector of vintage African and Afro-Caribbean records. His Afro-Palace DJ crew attracted international acts such as Ebo Taylor, Family Atlantica, Ibibio Sound Machine and Jungle by Night; his cherry-picked DJ sets, have delighted many a crowd of Afro/Tropical heads… and feet.

The Uppitys
DJ Migo小姐遇上Uppity先生後,組成雙人團體The Uppitys,開始了他們的音樂愛情故事。funky, tech, deep house,要以轟炸機般的強力重拍震撼你的腦神筋 !
DJ Migo and Mr. Uppity are The Uppitys, who play a fresh mix of funky, jackin', tech and deep house. They don't wear costumes or try to distract you from the most important thing...the music.

DJ Hassan (NUKE ‘EM ALL 重度核爆衝擊)
重度黑膠愛好者,並以此為名,進駐台北各大小派對活動,他也是NUKE ‘EM ALL 重度核爆衝擊派對DJ,擅長以世界音樂征服舞客。

Hassan is a vinyl music lover who has been making a name for himself in Taiwan by playing world music at the NUKE ‘EM ALL 重度核爆衝擊 parties at various venues around Taipei city.

猶如名模般的俊俏外貌,來自巴黎的法系DJ CROSS CUTZ演出確認 ! 風格囊括浩室、Glitch Hop、DnB、House、Funk、Jazz,海內外演出經歷包括台灣LUXY、 Triangle、新加坡、泰國曼谷、澳門。

CROSS CUTZ is an open format DJ, turntablist & remixer based in Taiwan and spinning around the world. Resident DJ at Triangle, Marquee & W Hotel Taipei.
Genres you may find him playing include breaks, Hip Hop, Funk, Bass, Ghetto Funk, Glitch Hop, DnB, Jackin’, Soulful House, Trap, Twerk, Soul, Jazz… Electro House / Top40 Mash Ups.


Twangover is an original Southern Rock and Country band based in Taipei. They write songs that will have you tappin your boots, tippin your hat, and struggling to ride your horse home later that night.

Bee Bee Clarke
身兼車庫搖滾紀錄片《Garage Rockin' Craze》編劇與製片,同時也是個黑膠DJ。
B Clarke is American expat living in Tokyo who wrote, co-produced, and co-edited Garage Rockin’ Craze alongside the film’s director, Mario Cuzic. BB splits his time working as a freelance writer and translator and DJs rock and roll, punk, and psyche whenever he gets the chance.

CROCODELIA is a FUZZ psychedelic band that seeks for sounds that have never been heard before at the same time deep attached to cultural roots of different parts of the world. Based in Taiwan, they consists of two Taiwanese brothers and a Tokyo drummer.

Balkazar is born in Taiwan thanks to a group of foreign nomad musicians united by their interest in Balkan music. Balkan is a peninsula in the South-Eastern European region of Europe, and for centuries it has been a melting pot of different cultures and music genres.

Sonia Calico
生長於台北的DJ/ Producer,同時身兼電子搖滾樂團Go Chic的團長與推動台灣電子舞曲新潮流的重要的一員Bounce Girlz (BxxG)的成員,一直走在台灣舞曲場景的最前端,為舞廳帶來新鮮的New Groove。
Born and raised in Taipei, the core member of Taiwanese band "Go Chic" and one half of DJ duo Bounce Girlz (BxxG), Sonia has been playing various events around the world. She also organized underground parties, invited international acts to Taipei, under the name "Bounce Girlz"& "UnderU".

DJ Marcus Aurelius - 馬克思
Two-Time Red Bull Thre3style Finalist and a godfather of the Taipei party scene. Marcus can play everything from the grimiest dancehall to the megaclub dance floor. He's known for great mixing skills and even better sense of the room. When he plays it's always a party.

Born in 1984, Taiwan, Taipei.
Music Producer, Artist, Crate Digger, Novelist, Founder of REUSED laboratory. His style is influenced by Street Art, Chinese Calligraphy, Taiwanese Temple designs and religious painting, and Music of all kinds. His art is always about sound/voice of the soul, emotion, and truth.

Japanese DJ girls, booking agency, tour manager, organiser
share their own experience in the wild music industry....!

Byron Duvel (From The Diamond Tigerz 鑽石虎)
A gender ambiguous (indie) pop music group from Taipei, Taiwan.