🎉 22/6 Copan Kasten @ IKON Taipei 🎉

IKON Taipei X The Events Maker X Lamborghini Wines X UNI

在完成中學的課程後,便決定追隨自己的音樂夢。 在一次偶然的機會下,Copan 有幸上了DJ課, 讓他有機會接觸以及認識電音及DJ,隨後DJ更成為他生活的不可缺少的重點。


Copan的音樂風格不但揉合中西文化,更是將嘻哈、Trap及重低音音樂 融洽於一體,帶出全新獨特的、專屬於他自身的風格,不過他仍不斷改進及嘗試,務求為音樂行業及全球樂迷帶來更多元化、更有新

除此之外,Copan 希望觀眾在欣賞他的表演時,會如他當初接觸電音般興奮,若你有機會到 Copan 表演的場地,你必定能夠感受到當晚的熱烈氛圍,音樂的種類更是包羅萬有,保證適合各位的口味,讓樂迷們享受最佳音樂時刻!

Copan 今年年僅十九歲,但已經有著不少音樂成就,不但是 Club Cubic 的駐場 DJ,更獲得不少全球知名的DJ支持,如 Armin van Buuren、 Nicky Romero及 Malaa 等。也在各大電子音樂祭演出, 像是 香港 ROAD TO ULTRA 2018, 中國 ISY MUSIC FESTIVAL, 以及 台灣 LOOPTOPIA MUSIC FESTIVAL 2018 等。

在獲得這麼多成就的背後,全是因為Copan 於當年受到 MAKJ 激勵,而自行創作屬於他自己的音樂風格。與 Pomo Entertainment 簽約後,成為旗下的獨家DJ,樂迷們可其待Copan可獲得更多機會出現香港、澳門及中國的各大夜店表現,令其未來的DJ音樂生涯將更閃閃發亮!

Copan Kasten is a Hong Kong based DJ, born and raised in Hong Kong. Music has never been a puzzle in his life, until an impromptu class of DJ-ing introduced him into the circle of
electronic dance music and DJ-ing that has since become the centre of his life.

Many assume Copan to be a “gwai-jai” (Anglo background) but don’t let his appearance fool you, with an American and Taiwan background, Copan is fluent in both Chinese and English, Copan has gained insight with both cultures making him a double threat! Copan’s music style reciprocates, with an exciting fusion
of Trap, Bass and Hip Hop, Copan is still in the process of polishing his act and style, all in the hopes of bringing more variety and fresh sounds to the industry and of course to the music lover all around the world.

Going to one of Copan’s show, you are guaranteed a hyped up crowd driven by the excitement of the music, a multi-genre music setlist that suits everyone’s taste and of course the best time of your life!

Signed exclusively to Pomo Entertainment, you can find Copan Kasten in Club Cubic, with his remarkable career achievements, supporting big name DJs such as Armin Van Burren, Nicky Romero and Malaa, and about to set out to major clubs in China, Macau and Hong Kong. You’ll never have guessed with such astounding achievements that Copan Kasten is just 19 years of age!

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▪️ 請聯絡 IKON Taipei 粉專
▪️ 📞 0933 869 150